The New Masculinity

The New Masculinity

The New Masculinity

What is masculinity? Depending on which generation you ask they might have differing opinions. Boomers, Millennials and Gen Z will all give you totally different interpretations. However no matter how it’s spliced, masculinity has been experiencing a change and gradual societal acceptance from sexual behaviors, interior design, Media, health & wellness, beauty ,fashion and most importantly décor.

Today let's take a dive into how the world of décor is shaping the conversation of what the new masculinity is and some of its origins. Prime example is what the term bachelor pads used to be vs what they are currently in today's world. The term bachelor pads used  to trigger visions of mattresses on the floor, sparsely decorated spaces with maybe a leather couch and ugly large TVS. Today's men want cool spaces that are decorated and reflective of their taste in furnishings from comfortable couches, throw pillows, candles, appliances and art. Spaces that are reflective of their uniqueness and their personalities. Men care about lighting, ambiances and how it plays into their spaces. 

They are no longer interested in harsh designs and dark spaces. Dark spaces are not to be confused with moody colors or design. It's no longer just metallic and loud aesthetics. Instead, men want modern farmhouses or Victorian homes. They care about the flow and finishes of their homes, and have an appreciation floral prints and colors at time embracing a feminine side with moderation. They want to have spaces that tell their story and taste in finishing's. Is this generation of the male population finding and embracing individualism? or is it the rise of men not embracing the traditional married life but choosing to live alone, could it be  the rise of podcasting and think pieces on male modernism? There are now dedicated blogs and Instagram accounts dedicated to men's spaces from workspaces to bedrooms. This new self awareness of where you no longer fit into a box but rather you have personal taste whether straight, gay and everything in between.

This change has given interior designers and manufacturers a broader brush and scope, however they will need to adapt quickly. Instead, they must now realize that men want a say in the aesthetics of their family homes, moving away from traditional norms where the wife's preferences dominated the design choices”

The early signs of change can be pointed back to the early 2000s where the boom of metrosexuals became part of the conversation. Men who embraced self care and individuality. It can also be pointed to society becoming more accepting of individual choices on sexuality and fashion. Wherever this new change stems from one thing is certain and that is  it's here to stay and presents many opportunities for good change both from an economic viewpoint as well as a societal change. Products featured in this article can be found


Written by Ravi R.
Operations and Ecommerce Champion
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